Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6

I am thankful for the right to vote!!!
I chose this topic today, for obvious reasons.
Some people feel they do not need to vote, that their vote doesn't count or matter......I feel that people bled and died so we could have that right. I believe that rather than a duty, it should be your honor to vote. Other countries don't get the opportunity to do so. Also, if you don't vote, don't complain!!!
A family friend of ours passed away this last Sunday. He suffered with cancer....I HATE CANCER by the way.....and he leaves behind his wife (such a sweet lady and woman of God), 5 daughters, numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. That man made arrangements and voted early!!! What's your excuse for not voting?
Arriving at the polls
Heading in


I have the right to vote, and have a voice, and for that, I am thankful!

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