Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One month!

Absolutely not believing it has been one month since she left us!
And, she would've had a birthday on this Thursday.
Guess Jesus can make her a cake!!!
Or maybe her mom, or her grandma!!!
Just so ya'll get it right....she likes chocolate!!!
Aunt Ruby would have a fit if she knew I put this picture on the internet!
But I love it, and she's doesn't even know about it!!!
The day this picture was taken, we were planning my parents'
25th Wedding Anniversary Party.
I got all kinds of old(er) pictures of my parents from Aunt Ruby.
They were so 80s. Wait, it was the 80s.
Anyway, I still love you Aunt Ruby.
And, everyone misses you greatly!!!
You'd be proud of how I am helping Phil with the Chowdren!!!
I love you Aunt Ruby!!!

Happy Birthday to my Mommy!

So, my mom's birthday was September 25, and we (my siblings, my dad, and myself)
decided it'd be great fun to surprise her with a party.
So we did, and it was!!!
My sister made a lasagna,
I made a cake,
and we had a blast.
We wanted to get mom something nice for her birthday.
And a while back, I asked her to sew something for me,
and she fussed that she'd have to do it by hand because her machine was broken.
It's right at 39 years old, and she called about having it repaired,
and it's $80.00 just for them to look at it, then whatever other costs came up.
here is the proud owner of a brand new Singer!!!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!
From all of your children and grandchildren!
We love you!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Funny Monday!

After a busy day of grass cutting at MeMe and Poppy's, and
a busy day of cleaning around our house,
Noah says to me:
"Guess what Mom, today, Noah and Mama,
and Daddy Givens are going to the park! Oh Boy!!!"
He thought that would be a treat to me!!!
Then, after Daddy came home, we told him of this conversation.
I said, "Noah said Noah, Mama, and Daddy Givens are going to the park."
Noah then said, "And Jesus Givens!!!"

Another super funny thing that happened,
I made pork chops for supper on my George Foreman grill.
I haven't used the George Foreman in a while,
but I was ready for something different.
Derrick never really says anything is good or bad, he just eats it.
So, I had to ask, "Derrick, do you like this or not? Is this way better than fried?"
He said, "Not really, it tastes like shrimp!"
I said, "Don't you like shrimp?!?!"
He said, "Not pork chop shrimp!!!!"
I've got a house full of comedians!
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit
drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My job titles!!!

Daughter of Jesus,
Keeper of my home,
Trophy wife,
Children's Teacher,
Bible College Student
and Secretary,
Prayer Warrior,
Chow Sales-Lady (haha),
Official Family Chauffeur,
The Tide's Official Number One Fan,
Sweet Girl,
Friend of God,
Woman of Worth.

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

I will always remember the tragedy that struck our nation on September 11, 2001. I was in Chemistry class when one of our assistant principals came by and talked privately to our teacher for a minute, then told her to go ahead and turn the t.v. on so we could see it for our self. I, being a high school student who really didn't keep up with current events, did not understand the importance of what I was seeing. I was just happy we got out of our work for that day! All day. Every class room had the scenes playing, and replaying for the entire day. Our Trade Center Towers were up in flames. Now, especially as a fire fighter's wife, I definitely see the importance, and I definitely see the sacrifices made on that day. And, I wish I would have cared more at the time. I had no idea how that was going to affect me or the country I lived in, after all, that was in New York, not Alabama! The Saturday night after that, our football team played their game, and the band (which I was in) played a patriotic half-time show. I still hear people mention the time Robertsdale had the patriotic show. I played Yankee Doodle on my piccolo, along with another piccolo player and a snare drummer keeping the beat, and was and still am honored to have participated in that!

Also, all of these events remind me of past wars. A man who lives two doors down from me got in that Agent Orange stuff in Vietnam, and now he doesn't have a larynx, which means he cannot smell, swallow, or talk. He has a microphone he holds to his throat now anytime he needs to say anything. What a sacrifice!!! Two of my uncles were also in Vietnam, and I think at least one or two of my husband's uncles were too. One of my uncles worked on an aircraft carrier, he actually worked on the planes, but he stayed on the ship. The other one worked in the doctor's tent, like on MASH. Amazing. My grandfather proudly served in Korea. So did one of my husband's uncles. Derrick's uncle was even wounded while in Korea. Brave! One of Derrick's cousins has been to Iraq twice now too. I really have a whole new respect for anyone who has ever been to war. And I have a whole new respect for those who serve here in America. What a sacrifice and struggle. It's more than just a uniform. There's a person under that.

Same thing goes for firefighters and policemen. I think my husband is so brave for being a firefighter. He's had to see some unfortunate things. Bad wrecks, fires, deaths. He saw a baby who drowned. He heard a man repenting of his sins at a wreck, just to find out he died en route to the hospital. He was there to try and help my aunt too. He luckily hasn't had to rescue anyone from a burning building. He's been to lots of fires, but luckily no fatalities or rescues there. But, lots of men and women all across the nation and world do have to see these things. Way more than our town's volunteer dept. You volunteer to be a firefighter, everything else is mandatory! Derrick has a lot of degrees from the Alabama Fire College. He has taken the Basic EMT course at the University of South Alabama. I am so proud of him for all of this. It takes someone special to care about others' lives and homes as much as you do your own. He selflessly tries to help any way possible at every call. That's 110%, and that's brave! Thanks firefighters and police!!!

September 11, 2001, not forgotten!!!

A few things from Tennessee

First of all, the proper way to grow cantoloupe from seeds.
The seeds that came out of a very sweet cantoloupe!
The one growing on the rocking chair on the front porch
was my favorite!!!

Of course, the cantoloupe "bush" that is behind the swing
is really something too!!!

And, part of our Tennessee tradition includes Loretta Lynn's Kitchen.
It's not actually her kitchen, it's her restaurant!
And Derrick and I always get our picture taken on the front porch!

And last, but not least....those Bama Boys ready for kickoff!!!

Cousins Dakota, Noah, and Caleb!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Whom the Son sets free...

...is free indeed! It's time to remember how she lived, instead of thinking about how she died.
It is very hard to adapt this thinking, but it is best.
This whole experience has been eye opening for sure!
And on a lot of levels.
But it's time to let God be God.
I found a song that I like, and that is appropriate:
When I die, don't cry for me.
In my Father's arms I'll be.
The wounds of this world left on my soul,
Will all be healed and I'll be whole.
Sun and moon will be replaced,
With the light of Jesus's face.
And I will not be ashamed,
For my Savior knows my name.
It don't matter where you bury me,
I'll be home, and I'll be free!!!
It don't matter where I lay,
All of my tears will be washed away.
Gold and silver blind the eye,
Temporary riches lie.
Come and eat from Heaven's store,
Come and drink, and thirst no more.
So weep not for me, my friend,
When my time below does end.
For my life belongs to Him,
Who will raise the dead again!!!
~~~~All my tears- by Selah.~~~~
So, I know she's happy.
I know she's free.
I know she's got her crown.
I know she's got victory.
(That rhymed...maybe I could write a song!)
And as hard as this has been on my and our family,
I really am happy for her.
I have to "move on"... so to speak.
But it stinks knowing I can't call her.
I can't visit her.
No more stories from her.
No more stories to tell her.
But, I'll be o.k.
By and By.
She is in the Sweet Forever!
And one day, I will be too!
I still want to know what happened.
That would help give me peace about it all.
But until then,
I am counting on my Savior to give me peace,
and guidance.
I'll probably change some things,
Aunt Ruby was always telling me to
"be sweet."
Maybe I will......
she was.
In conclusion,
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

From Aunt Ruby's Sweet Girl!

Ruby Darlene Reed Shumate Anderson

October 1, 1953-August 29, 2009

Aunt Ruby was more than my aunt. She was my best friend.

She was my second mom.

Not that mom isn't always there, and hasn't always been,

but this was a different kind of bond.

And, I did all sorts of fun things with Aunt Ruby in 24 years.

And, I did all sorts of ordinary things with her too!

When my mom had to work (which by the way makes her the best!),

Aunt Ruby would try to include me in the things she'd be doing

with her kids and grandkids.

She selflessly kept my child for a year and a half while I worked,

and many other times before and since then.
She was there to talk about important things,

she was there to talk about the weather.

She was always there.

Now she's not.

Now, she's in heaven.

She's with her parents, and her youngest daughter.

Aunts and uncles.

Friends and family.

And most of all...

She is with King Jesus!

Aunt Ruby has her victory!!!

She no longer knows pain, tears, or hurt.

She only knows happy, joy, and peace.

A peace that surpasses our understanding.

She no longer hurts physically.

She no longer has heartaches.

I have heartache right now.

This is going to be super hard to get through.

I am so happy for Aunt Ruby though.

She has her crown!!!

I did not have to watch her get old and feeble.

Her spirit and will to live never disappeared.

She was active until the end.

Sending e-mails and e-cards around 30 minutes before going to see the Lord.

And now, she is rejoicing with all the angels.

Times will be rough for me.

If it's this bad for me, I know her that her



great grand daughter,



and all of her family and friends

will have worse days than me.

But, I am just trying hard to be strong.

And to celebrate her victory.

Did I mention she has a crown?!?!?!

Lord, Comforter, Alpha and Omega, Jehovah Jireh:

Thank You so very much for giving us Aunt Ruby.

She's more than any of us deserved.

She had no enemies on this earth,

Other than THE enemy, who stayed after her!

Thank You for the love she showed us.

That's the love You have had for her.

Thank You for her children and grandchildren.

Thank You for her husband.

I know that You do not mess up.

That You have a reason for everything that happens, for such a time is this.

Thank You for taking her from Glory to Glory to Glory!

Thank You for the promise of eternal life You have given us.

I know that Aunt Ruby will have eternal life and peace with You, Our Maker.

You know what You are doing, and I am trusting that.

Thank You for being my hiding place, and shelter.

Thank You for giving me and my family peace.

Father, thanks a million!!!

In JESUS name, Amen.

Aunt Ruby, I love you so very much. I will never forget all of our happy times,

nor will I forget the sad times. You were simply the best.

Your joy and smile were contagious.

And you had a smile even when you could have had a frown.

You never let anything or anyone defeat you!

I am so happy I got to know you.

I even thanked God for it!

You know we were close,

and you know what you meant to me!

I love you Aunt Ruby!

Love, Aunt Ruby's Sweet Girl!!!