Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You Are For Me - Kari Jobe

Enjoy the's very nice.

And in unrelated news....the other night, Noah and I were saying our night-time prayers together, and I told Jesus thank You for the day, and that we were going to have a good night's rest, and Noah said, "Hey mom, I want to say something...." I told him to go ahead, he says, " I talk to Jesus too, at school when I take a nap, I tell Jesus thank You for my food and for my day." I told Noah that I was so happy, and that Jesus loves to hear from him anytime. Noah then replies, "Yes mom, because I love Jesus!" I told him that was wonderful that he loves Jesus so much. And he says, "I love Jesus and Mickey Mouse. I'll take you to Mickey Mouse's castle one day, you and daddy too, because I love you too!"

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