Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Where have I been?!?!?!

Dr. Suess had a birthday

Noah's School had a parade
Noah has been growing up every day!!!

He likes to spend time at the school library, and I go with him when I can!

Nicholas is adjusting to his new bed, since he was likely to break his neck while escaping from his crib!

He likes going to birthday parties and sliding with the kiddos!

And almost has the hang of t-ball!
 So as you see, I have been busy.....I have been around!!! What's dad been doing?!?
Honestly!!! Just reading the paper!
 Another place I've been? 13 lbs lighter since January!!!
I am brave for posting these!!! It has been up and down as I have been doing Alabama Scale Back, but overall, it's been down!!!
Taken in January!
Taken in March!

A big change I've been doing is drinking at least eight 8 oz size glasses of water a day, and of course, my morning coffee. I cut out all other drinks. I've also been walking and riding my bike for exercise. And on cold or rainy days, I love walking at home.


  1. Way to go on "the scale back"! That's awesome!!!

    1. Thanks Laurie!!! It's been effort for sure, and every pound is worth it!
