First, Mr. Noah has learned what to do without training wheels on this thing!!!!
I am so proud of him!
And his parents chose the most appropriate shirt they could've sent to our house, and yes, Uncle Derrick did try to steal it!!!
I think it bothers me more than it does him, but still, my poor Buddy Boy!!!
But, as always, I have already been shown a sermon.....that's's mini-sermon time, but don't worry, I'm not a typical preacher, I will not take up an offering!!! haha.
Anyway, God showed me (in just a couple of hours) that He wants me (well, everyone) to be more like Buddy Boy! Let me explain, you know my sermons take a while to get it out!
Buddy is quite child-like. He is rambunctious, he likes to play, and run, and he trusts anyone.
So, I took Buddy for a ride yesterday, to the vet, and boy was he excited. I'm sure he was thinking "My lucky day...woof woof!"
But, then, I just left him there, under the care of the doctors and staff, to be neutered. I'm sure when he came out of anesthesia, he was trying to remember why he was thinking it was his lucky day!!! Either way, vet's office said he did great and that after 24 hours, I could come get him.
So, I get there to get him, and he was still excited to be around other dogs, but he was more excited to see me!!! I figured after the way I felt yesterday, he'd never want to see me again!!! haha, But, dogs are "man's best friend" right?!?
So, I got him home, took him to the backyard, just in case he needed to potty, and then brought him on inside (which we don't do much, because he's been quite rowdy in the past!), and he's been following me around ever since. Literally. As I sit here now, typing this, he is just staring up at me, with that big lampshade collar on, and his tail is just a waggin'!
He's not jumping all over me like he normally does (he's probably afraid his insides will fall out!) and I am sure he'll get back to his normal rowdiness soon, but right now, he's just standing and staring! If I go to the kitchen, he follows. When I went to the bathroom, you guessed it, he followed.
The point is, (hey, that's not too bad), that even though things didn't maybe go his way yesterday, with the surgery and being left overnight, and wearing the lampshade, he still trusts me, and has not taken his eyes off of me!!!!
Don't you think God wants to be able to see if we can just go by faith, fully trusting Him, without murmuring, and be able to trust Him, follow Him, and not take our eyes off of Him!
So, thanks Buddy for showing me this kind of faithfulness. I know that no matter what else happens with who else or what else, this puppy is countin' on me!!!! Him loves him mama!!!!
And, thanks a million Lord for showing me this! I'll plan on not turning my eyes away from You, and I'll follow You in faith!!! This has been humbling Lord, Thanks again!
Here's to future posts.....
Remember, God makes All Things New!!!
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