Yesterday and today have been two of the nicest, funnest, and yet relaxing days I have had in a while. I had absolutely nothing to do!!!
Friday, Noah and I went to my brother and sister-n-law's house. They have a little boy named Anthony, and they were also babysitting my niece Felicity. Noah was so happy to play with his cousins. We had hotdogs from the grill, just played in the yard, and relaxed. Then, we got the bright idea to walk to Burris from their house (only 2 blocks!) and get some ice cream, cobbler, and cheesecake!!! No, wait....I wanted to look at fruit and veggies! Hahahaha! It was a nice fun time. I got corn on the cob, bananas, apples, and cantoloupe. Biggest cantoloupe I've ever seen. The apples are gone, the corn has been eaten too, and there are 2 bananas left! Still lots of cantoloupe left!!!
Then we came home, and I worked some more in my flower beds. I love to work on those...that's a good thing as it's a never ending job!!! And Derrick and Noah came out and we just piddled around in the yard. Then we came in and ate, then it was back outside for good fellowship with the neighbors. They have a little girl who is Noah's age, so that's always fun. They rode bikes while we all visited.
Then this morning, we went to the dump!!! That's a family outing we take a few times a year and we take our branches and debris and any junk we may have picked up along the way. It doesn't sound to glamourous, but we always enjoy it! Then we went to the beach this afternoon. That's where the real fun comes in. I never really liked the beach too much, but watching Noah play in the sand and the waves makes it worth a trip!
So far, we have had just a great weekend. Oh yeah, and I haven't had coffee since Thursday morning!!! Some people smoke a cigarette after each meal, I drink a cup of coffee after each meal, but I really have been wanting to cut back. It really is harder than it sounds when you are used to 3-4 cups a day. And I have the oversized mugs!
Overall, a nice time. And it's so nice to have a blog to be able to document, but also just to say stuff I wanna say. I should've thought of this years ago! I am looking forward to church in the morning. I just feel like something good is about to happen!!!!
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