Did I really not blog yet all year?!?! Talk about being behind! Let me catch you up in pictures!!!
This picture was from 01-01-04!!! 10 years have come and gone already!!! |
Coaching these kids has been nothing but a delight....well, I'm really more crowd control than coach, but I love it!!! |
Basketball is his game!!! |
Me and my boys! |
Little prep boy wearing a cousin's sweater from the early,early 90s! |
Talk about your bad hair day! |
As hard as this is for me to say, I did want the crystal ball to stay in our state! Congrats Auburn for making it to the final round! |
Buddy Boy took "watchdog" to a whole other level.... |
....while this guy played in the sleet! |
Just a clownin' around mom! |
In sadder news, The Summerdale Volunteer Fire Department lost one of it's members this month. He'd been in the department for over 50 years. Summerdale will not be the same without the retired Chief Clopton. His service was beautiful. The fire department chaplain, who is also a local chapter, did a magnificent job honoring the life of Ralph. He sure will be missed.
The fire trucks under the flag on the way to the cemetery |
Chief Clopton rode to the cemetery in the same truck he did his firefighting training in! |
Present Arms |
Derrick had the honor of being a pallbearer for Chief Clopton. |
The service was beautiful, but very hard for these men and women. Please keep the firefighters and Ralph's family in your prayers. |
Baldwin Central to Summerdale 401, Baldwin Central to Summerdale 401. Baldwin Central to all stations and units, trying to make contact with Summerdale 401. Last call to Summerdale 401, Chief Ralph Clopton.
In loving memory May 16, 1938-January 22, 2014 |