Sunday, December 29, 2013

The high points of December!

Merry Christmas...doesn't Nicholas look Happy Happy Happy?!?

Buddy was not too impressed...he's just a swingin'

Oh come let us adore the way, check out that Joseph!!!

Birthday cake Noah made his Meme

Nicholas(pictured here with his basketball), Noah, and Poppy with the birthday girl!
Me and the Mama
Me and not the Mama
Them and me
Me and the Nana

Christmas morning

Christmas with the Krobs

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I'm already behind!!!

So, my photo challenge has not gone as expected!!!! It sounded like a great idea, and I felt like the challenge was full of Christmas cheer. 

However, I have had 2 weeks of finals at school, and I have been focused on that and family these past few days!

Enjoy a few pictures from D's company Christmas party instead!!!
Nicholas coloring
Big brother Noah coloring
Making a Christmas tree out of an ice cream cone, frosting, and candy
Noah busy with his tree

Nicholas's finished product.....apparently he ate the decorations, minus one peppermint

Noah proudly displaying his finished product. Right after I took this picture, he shoved almost the whole thing in his mouth!!!
Santa made an appearance and he read "The Night Before Christmas" to these little darlings.
With one little darling who had to see for himself
And finally talking it over with the Santa, or Tanta as Nicholas calls him!
That's my boys!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 4

Day 4: Ornament
My heart is smiling big as I remember the four little hands that made this ornament last year!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 3

Day 3:Christmas Tree

Monday, December 2, 2013

December Challenge

And so it has went, I truly miss taking time to share things that are happening, and things that are on my mind. I *can* make time to do what I want to do, and I thought maybe this photo challenge would help get me back in the groove of blogging regularly. Not to mention that fact that I got an early Christmas present from the hubby and boys....a new camera! Nothing fancy, but 15 steps above what I had!!! Here we go!!! 

Day 1: My View (from the front porch looking out!)

Day 2: Candy Cane

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wrapping up October in pictures on 11-12-13

D is 43...Happy Happy Happy!

Noah is 9...Hey Jack!!!

Fall Festival....Baseball, Home Plate, Coach, and Ball Player!

Have you seen this guy?

Or this one?!?

Nicholas with Anthony's new toy

Noah and Maddie on Maddie's new toy!!!
I hope to be a better blogger in November!!!! I did find out that I may have too much on my plate right now, and my health is showing it, so until next time......

Monday, October 28, 2013

Na-Na's Birthday

My poor ole blog has been neglected again!!! We've had 3 birthdays this month and everything, I still haven't posted!!! I guess I'll start at the beginning, it's a good place to start. Earlier this month, we celebrated my Nana's 82nd birthday! 
Her Favorite Candies and Cookies

Older than Dirt!!! 

The Cake!

The surprise!!! 

Making a wish

Sisters!!! I announced that I needed Aunt Betty and Nana for a picture,  and Aunt Betty replied, "What for?!?!" Love these two ladies! 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all

Our fall so far has been good.It's been filled with the following...
 Working in the sandbox

Riding a horsey

Enjoying a bike ride

Cruising the river before it's too cold 
Watching our favorite football player #00
Running the ball in for a touchdown
#00's little fan!
Having family and friends come and fry fish and chicken in the garage and getting ready to watch the Tide win
Goofing off with friends during Bama's halftime
Enjoying the weather changing right before our eyes....and toes!

 Like I said, Happy Fall Y'all!