Sunday, August 26, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Funny

The possiblities for "funny" are endless.....I decided to keep it simple with little chuckles!!!! Enjoy!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Inside

Day 25: Inside (of our fridge!!!)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Who am I kidding?!?!?!

I promise I had every intention of doing these pictures everyday, just as a break from my everyday work, but somewhere along the way, I just don't make the time to post! It's day 24....I'll try to do better for the last week!!!!
Anyway, here's where we are now...
Day 21: Shoe (or one of each of our favorites!)

Day 22: Friend (that's her on the Gator, and her house behind her...her parents are some of my closest friends!)

Day 23: Bowl (of sweet potatoes from my garden!!!)

Day 24: Car (affectionately played with for years now!)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Photo-a-Day-well, actually 3!

Day 18: Sweet

Day 19: Radio

Day 20: Wall

Friday, August 17, 2012

Photo-a-Day: 2 of 'em

I'm sorry for 2 at a time again.....
Day 16: Breakfast
For today's photos, we enjoyed the first kind of water on this last Friday before school starts, and on the way home, got some of the other water!!!!
Day 17: Water

Day 17: Other Water (I was at a red light...not moving!!!!)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Photo-a-day times 3!!!

So sorry I got behind!!! I've recently started back at our local community college, and it required my attention for a couple days!!! But.....
Day 12: Bag
Day 13: Mail

Day 14: Dark
Like, "dark" cloud at 4:00 p.m!!!

I also wanted to share these photos!!! It probably deserves it's own post, but this will have to do!!!

Taking my boys on campus to run an errand!!!! It was so fun for Noah!!!!

Noah and Nicholas at the Baseball Field!!!
Noah said, "Mom, show your SUN CHIEF PRIDE!!!!"

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Photo-a-day: Love

I didn't take this picture, but what other love is there?!?!
In living He loved me, in dying He saved greater LOVE has any man than this!!!

The boys I love!!!

I could post all day on this....but I'll just keep it at these 3!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Fence

I did run errands today, and while out and about I tried to think of a good "fence" photo to take, then copped out and decided to use one from last Saturday....but I did take it, and I do see a "fence!"

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Change

Big "change" for me....I am officially a college student today!!! Haven't been since Spring 2004!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Line

I couldn't decide which "line" to share, so.....
Power "line"

Property "line" (Guess which side belongs to us!!!)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Light

I waited until night time so you'd really "get the picture!"

Happy Birthday Nicholas!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Left

"Left" side of our mantle.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Tree

That's actually more than one, but you get the idea!!!

McEwen, TN, just outside of Waverly, TN!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Photo a Day!

 With all that I have to do these days, I decided I needed something to do that I find fun!!!

So, I am doing this......August Photo-A-Day Challenge!!!

 I am no where near a photographer, but I do have fun snapping shots of random scenes!

Today is August 2nd, so I am posting for yesterday and today!!!

Day 1---Street

Day 2---Book(s)
Stay tuned....