Thursday, July 26, 2012

Figgy Jelly

"And bring us some figgy pudding jelly!!!"

This is a simple and inexpensive way to make use of an abundance of figs, and I am sharing it just in case you don't know about it!!!

One of our neighbors called me on a Saturday morning, and asked would I care for some figs. I said bring them on, and buddy did she!!!

And this jelly recipe has been a big hit with the family.  I give it to them as I go, and occasionally for Christmas gifts here and there. They make lovely hostess gifts!


Ya need this! Not the coffee, it just made the picture!

And ya need these!

Here's the recipe in my very best handwriting (scribbling while Mom was telling me over the phone and I never recopied it!).

The recipe leaves out the part about pull the stems off the figs, and blend the figs (without the stems!) in the blender!!!
That's where it says "3 c. figs (blender)!!!

Here's the figs, sugar, and jello on the stove!

And wa-la! After I pour the jelly in the jars, I use a smidge of melted wax to seal each jar, and screw on the lids. If I use them as gifts, I put the appropriate fabric, ribbon, and name tag on them!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Ride Home

This one is short and sweet....

After our busy last day in Chattanooga, we decided that rather than drive straight home the next day, we would detour, to Decatur, AL, where Derrick was born, and visit a dear friend there, who used to babysit Derrick and his sister.

So while heading that way, we were shocked to come across this....
Making it big time!

Proof that I was here too!
 Poor Nicholas didn't make the pictures, because he was snoozin'...and you never wake a sleepin' baby, even for Hollywood!!!

And, I of course, had to take the Fireman by the station. The guys there were telling us that Hollywood, CA actually sued Hollywood, AL for the name rights, and it turns out Hollywood, AL was first!!!
The real funny thing is, our local firefighters who know Derrick from classes and such, nicknamed him "Hollywood!"

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Last Day in Chattanooga:Raccoon Mtn, Lake Winnie!

All good things must come to an end.....

our last (bonus) day, started out raining, so we headed to our last indoor activity around, Raccoon Mountain Caverns. It was a fun tour, and I'd love to go back with just the hubs sometime (20 years from now may be first available date) and stay in a cabin!

When the sun finally peeked out, we got to see the entrance sign!!! It was pouring cats and dogs when we arrived!

Here we are in the cave!

And we made it out to sunshine!!!

Then we headed to our actual destination, Lake Winnie!!!
We were thinking it was going to be cheesy, but found it that for us, it was anything but!!!

We are a fair lovin' family, and this place was like the fair times a gazillion!!! It had something for all of us! I wanted to post all our pictures from here, but elected to try to narrow it down! I tried!!!

Most of the pictures have Derrick in the them with Noah, but rest assured, I was there, and I rode almost every ride they did, I just didn't make the press as much!
Excited we made it!

Noah's first request....the bumper cars!

Daddy's first request.....anything off the ground!

Noah's ultimate favorite....the Wacky Factory!

Where was I?
Finding an evening date!

Fun time on the lake.

I'm the one in red with my arms in the air!!!

Mom's request....the Tilt-a-Whirl!

Nicholas's ride....the stroller!!! lol!

Fine driver I had!

A water slide!

Noah's first real roller coaster! I tried to take their picture on it, but 4 failed attempts got me nowhere!!!

Our conclusion ride! When it loops to the top, the operator held it still for 30 seconds, while we were upside down....D convinced me somehow to ride it myself....I yelled ROLL TIDE when the ride was paused!!!

If you are ever in the Chattanooga area, and if you have children looking for fun, I'm telling you DO NOT MISS THIS! We had such a great time. It's a little off the beaten path, but the admission price, including unlimited rides, is cheaper than our county fair!!! You can't beat that!

Next up will be our journey home!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

New Rugged Cross

"Children find everything in nothing; men find nothing in everything." ---Giacomo Leopardi

This past Father's Day, Noah said he wanted to build something for his Pa-Pa for a gift.
We really didn't have much to build with around the house, and I had no idea what Noah had in mind.
However, we found a couple of scrap pieces of wood and some old paint, and this is what we came up with!

The handy man all ready to paint the wood.

He used a tiny paint roller to paint both pieces an olive green.

And trimmed the edges with a tiny brush (notice his squat!).

Here he is squeezing in some dinosaur time while waiting for that coat to dry!

After the green dried, he took a paint brush and dipped it in black paint. It sort of made a camouflage look.

And of course his trusty assistant helped with the hammering together of the wood!

And, ta-da.....a beautiful hand-painted cross to go in Papa's shed!!!
That boy's very talented, if I do say so myself!!!

And now he is ready to build more, so he says, as long as the dinosaurs came come!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vacation Part 6: Cartersville GA

So, almost wrapping this vaca up....thanks for your patience, and for bearing with me!

I do have some other posts to share soon that are not vacation related....I promise!!!

Derrick has family in the Atlanta area who we do not see often, and while we were in Chattanooga, I felt like we should look them up and get together! I will not be that close to family and not try to get together, blood is thicker than water. So, I contacted our cousin to find out what's what, and she suggested this place. We had such a lovely day!

Aunt Marian (married to D's dad's brother!), Derrick, and cousin Laurie!

 This was my first time meeting cousin Laurie and the first time our children met! It was so exciting!

We've been in touch over the internet, but it was so good to meet her! If any of you know me well, or have read this long, family is a top priority for me!

The museum had tons of gorgeous artwork, but I wanted to post just our family fun this time....maybe another post of just western art!

After touring all of the art, the museum offered a hands-on area for the children....and ALL of them got to play!!!!

Noah, Lily Claire, and Sam!

By all of them got to play, I mean ALL!

Even Nicky Brees liked cousin Laurie and the horsey!
 If you are ever near Cartersville, please stop in! I fell in love with downtown!
Noah, Sam, and Derrick!

Lily Claire, Sam, Noah, and Nicholas

Just us 4....the proof I went on vacation with those boys! ha!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence Day Happenings!

Here's hoping everyone celebrated our country's birthday in style.....we sure did!

We swam with friends and family!

Noah and my "borrowed daughter" Maddie!

We crashed Anthony and Aunt Richie's vacation!!!

Although we live 20 minutes from here, me, Noah and Maddie were sure wishing our permanent address was right here!!!

Nicholas sure tried to walk with Anthony! And Nicky gave Anthony kisses the whole time on the tummy!

How sweet!

What better thing than Crico's on the balcony! D used to work at Crico's some during college, and they still gave us a deal!

We came home to this surprise in our yard!!!

The boys had to cruise over and show off for Maddie!

Then it was to the park to hear the Crimson Priority sing! The bass singer is none other than my Daddy!

Someone little got to help them out on one song!!!

And it sounded great!!!
After all of these festivities, we just weren't going to get baby Nicholas to stay up late for the fireworks, but Noah and I were fortunate enough to see most of the neighboring town's display right from our own yard! No crowd, Nicholas resting in his own crib, and us being in p.j's.....yes please! Happy Birthday America!