Stallings that is!!!! Where my husband works, twice a year they hold an employee training day, and one is on President's Day, and I think the other is Columbus Day. Anyway, they close the office, but all employees report in for training day. They have a motivational guest speaker, lunch, and workshops pertaining to each individuals job position. Well, yesterday's guest speaker, speaking on character, was none other than 1992 National Championship winning Alabama Head Football Coach Gene Stallings. It was Derrick's lucky day! Other speakers they have had have been some local motivational speakers, and some nationally known, like Rachel Scott's (from Columbine High School) Dad.
Derrick got himself and Noah each a football signed by the legendary Coach, and I felt a little left out, but I was happy for the two of them. Then Derrick told me that they gave out door prizes, and while he didn't win one, his really good friend did, and told D he could have it for his Bama room.
Oh my darling D, you had me at ROLL TIDE!!!