Getting better.....
And now, say hello to Anthony's "I am so tired/put that dadgum camera away" face!!!
Getting better.....
This is Noah and our neighbor who he rides to school with, and she rides home with us. They are so BFF!!! Tomorrow is 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s week. I was confused because I thought I dressed the same in the 90s that I do now!!! haha. And in the 80s, I wore diapers!!! We'll see what tomorrow brings!
Go Panthers!!!
That's actually my dear ole momma, at her "surprise" birthday party. She has lots of experience at being 29!!!
We celebrated mom and my nephew's birthdays the same night,and it was definitely one night to remember.
Next, a lady at our church who is an aspiring photographer took this next picture of me. I have shared on here in the past about the kiddos I love at church, but this is an example of another way God uses me, and I am so happy that she snapped this picture!
Moving right along...who else is super excited about fall?
I don't think it's just me, I think it's everywhere. And to be honest, I never remember being so excited about it. Last year, I was the most excited about winter, the year before, summer, the year before that, spring. So, I think this is God's conclusion to a 4 part series in my life about seasons. I am so happy about the fall.
God's been showing me lots of things with the season change, that I'll be sharing later on. It'll get it's own post. And coincidentally, yesterday morning our pastor preached on harvest.
Harvest-time ya'll!!!
And let me mention that a few weeks back, I got to go to a One Way Street Puppet Training Day over in Mobile. While I'm not real sure if God wants to use me with puppets, I did get some good ideas on some things, and I am thankful for the experience.
To be an effective teacher, you must think like a child!
We all hear the sad stories about people born overseas, children who are orphaned, and how they all try to come here to America. And sometimes, it frustrates me that we have such an "open door policy," however, I met a man from India the other night, and his story touched me.
When he was born, his mom threw him in the trash. She didn't want him. Now, he travels around America preaching, and getting offering money, and he takes it back to India and opens orphanages, widow homes, and battered women homes. And he risks his life spreading the Gospel in India. He said his family eats rice and curry every meal, because he wants all of the money he gets preaching to go back into the Lord's work. He is telling the people of India that God sent His son to die for us so that we can be free. Praise God for that!!!
But, here in America, if you want to preach the Gospel, it's not hard to do. I see people standing on street corners with Bibles. Jehovah Witnesses go door to door. This man cannot freely go around his country doing this though. That's why he comes here, to be a minister, and take that money back to India with him. He had on an old pair of worn out jeans on, and an older looking shirt, cheap shoes. He wasn't in a fancy suit, he didn't ask for anything, he just wanted to tell us that King Jesus died for us!!!
I do realize that people are born in America everyday who probably get thrown away.....if they'd ask me, I'd take any one that somebody wanted to throw away.....and I know there are poor people right in my own community, but they are mostly that way by choice. I went to a few stores yesterday, and at 3 of them they had help wanted signs posted. That might step on toes really, but it's true. If your business is not good, find something else. I know growing up, my dad always worked at a regular jobs, then got side jobs to help. And my mom worked too!!! Imagine, and my brother, sister, and myself all worked too, when we got old enough! And I don't remember saying, "Daddy's not here," or "When's Daddy getting home." I do remember never going to bed hungry or sleeping in a cardboard box!!! I do remember, Praise God, having everything I needed, and then some that I wanted!!!
Please pray for Pastor G. Mortha Roy & his wife Vimala Roy and Rays of Cross Ministries. They are from Andhrapradesh, India.
And be thankful that you are an American!
My fireman is the last one on the right in the back!!! I am very proud of him, and I pray for his protection at every call. And that God will use him to help others, for His glory!
September 11.
Never Forgotten.
Now, before you lose your last meal....let me go on....
January 1, 2004 was the date of the above picture. And, after a while, I almost forget to be "thankful" for it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for my hubby, almost continually. As a matter of fact, I thank not only God for D, but I thank D himself several times a day for what we have here.
To many, it may not be much. We have a home, vehicles, fenced in backyard, a child, a dog, "things," but....
I have not ever "had" to work. I chose to one time, and it helped, and sometimes now, it would be helpful too, but I get the opportunity that very few of my friends and no one in my immediate family has, even my grandmother works! I am the keeper of our home. D gets up everyday, while I am snoozing, kisses me goodbye, goes to work, while I "play all day," comes home, scarfs down whatever I fixed for supper, helps with Noah, which should be my job, but I have lately been caught up in things that require me to be gone at night, and then does it all over again.
Now, let me say this, "play all day" also includes: keeping the house straight, cooking & cleaning, mowing the grass, mowing the in-laws grass, helping my uncle with his part-time business, and pretty much never telling anyone "no" ever!!!
Well, to some this still sounds great. People ask me what I do, and I tell them I stay at home, and the response is typically, "That must be nice." And while they go out to eat on Sunday, and we go home to the roast, or pot of spaghetti, or whatever other 1 dish wonder I have prepared, I almost think it's not that nice.
But, ya know what, it sure is nice!!! And, like I mentioned, I have taken it for granted by tending to other "obligations" rather than my house, husband, and child. I should not be excited about leaving my family all day on a Saturday (from 6:30 am till 8 pm) to go to a "ministry training day." I should not be so excited about helping throw a baby shower with the ladies at church when it means I am gone 7 hours from my home(that's set up, the shower, and clean me, D timed it!). I should not be happy about times like these. And deep down inside, I'm not. I'm the happiest merely being at home. So....
I rambled on and on to mainly say this:
I am so thankful for the life my husband has provided here for me.
He is a wonderful provider, and guide, and leader.
He loves me truly, madly, deeply.
And more than that, he loves the Lord, and is quite sensitive to His voice.
He also never reads I guess I should go tell him too!!!
I am thankful to be his bride!
...and that would be my daddy!!!
He's pictured below....
...and the end result after hours outside with the smoker, boiler, and grill usually includes...
That's one proud Pa-Pa!!!
I know I look rough, but this was taken at 8:30 p.m., and I had been in a room full of 2 year olds since about 6:45 p.m.!!!
Either way, all of her children are beautiful,
and I am so happy for her and her new business....oh, right, her business.
She truly has a tender heart towards children, and I know she puts a lot of time in with each sewing project she does.
Here are some of my fav's...
Also, you can find her on Facebook !!!
And tell her you saw her on All Things New!