This is our newest addition to our car! I had been wanting one of those little families for forever, and when I saw this on my Friday shopping trip, I almost fainted right there in the store. This is "so us!!!" Roll Tide Roll Baby!
Gosh. I have really been busy! Last Friday, Noah and I enjoyed our shopping trip. I got some neat things!!! Then Saturday, we all three went again. We were on a mission to get Buddy Boy a new collar and leash. Derrick said, "Just go to Mossy Oak, where we got his other one." I asked him could we please shop around a little, I like the Mossy Oak one, of course we wanted Alabama but have had NO luck with that, but I maybe wanted something different. Three hours and 10 stores later, we ended up at Mossy Oak! But it was a fun day! We even got to go to Ci-Ci's Pizza, Noah's favorite, where he ate 5 pieces of pizza!!! Then we came home to find that our freezer with a month's worth of meat, two roasts, waffles, pizzas, bread, and bacon had completely thawed out. I guess since we ate leftovers on Friday night from my b'day Thursday, I didn't look in there Friday, and didn't catch it thawing out soon enough. The bad news is, all my meat is gone. The good news is my in-laws have a freezer they don't use that they said we can have!!! Sunday was church all day. I really enjoyed it though as I was not in the Toddler Class for the first time in like 6 services. I actually heard preaching! And Sunday night was really good, my Dad preached at Summerdale Assembly, and we visited there to hear him. I love to hear my daddy preach. Then Monday, my aunt needed a ride to the dentist (she had neck surgery week before last and can't drive yet), so I took her to Fairhope, and her whole appointment was about 5 minutes. So, she suggested going to her daughter's house, right down the road, to visit. Her daughter, Jeannie, has 3 kids ages: 18, 12, and 10. Noah had a blast there with them, and of course, they liked having their little cousin over. Jeannie and I went to Sonic and got slushies or blasts for everyone. Talking to her, (she's my first cousin but with an 18 year old, she's obviously older than me), was so nice. Turns out, we still can have stuff in common. Anyway, at the end of the day, it was time to come home, and Noah pitched a fit. He did not want to leave. So Jeannie made a deal with him. They have a big inground pool, and she told Noah if he'd be good and not cry, we could come over Friday and swim!!! So, let's pray for good weather Friday! She said we'd order a pizza and have a pool party!!! Sounds good to me, and sounded really good to Noah!!! So, we are looking forward to that. Then yesterday, Noah had school registration!!! He was really excited about being back at his school. I know he misses his friends and his teachers. I can work with him all day at home on stuff, I normally don't "all day," but everyday we work on something (ABC's, counting, matching, colors, talking, etc.), but he misses the interaction with other kids in a structured atmosphere. He misses that routine. He misses his teachers. So, we registered for school, and then I had a dr's appointment. Just my regular check up. But it took two hours!!! Poor Na-Na had Noah all that time, but I think they did o.k. Na-Na, who is in her 70s, has worked her whole life, and still does. So, I always feel like maybe she's too tired. But she is off today. She'll work Thursday and Friday. And then church last night, which meant my toddlers. Today is like a major house cleaning day. My poor house has been neglected these past few days.
Oh yeah, Noah and I was outside working in the flowerbeds on Wednesday of last week, when he found two catapillars. He named them Hermie and Wormie (after a cartoon), and we put them in a jar. Well, that was a week ago, and after carefully caring for them, they are still doing very good. Noah is so excited. I really want them to turn into butterflies, but we'll see. He has been so dedicated to caring for those two. He just watches them crawl sometimes. It's sweet.